داستان آبیدیک

sense data


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: داده حسی

Using the term " consciousness" in this restricted sense it is possible to suppose that this consciousness pro- duces " sense-data" of the self but that there is no alpha- function to convert them into alpha-elements and therefore The infant personality by itself is unable to make use of the sense-data, but has to evacuate these elements into the mother, relying on her to do whatever has to be done to convert them into a form suitable for employment as alpha- elements by the infant. in bridging the gap between sense-data and appreciation of sense-data. In other words just as sense-data have to be modified and worked on by alpha-function to make them available for Publication in its origin may be regarded as little more than one function of thoughts, namely making sense-data available to consciousness.

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